Cold Storage in the Cloud: Comparing AWS, Google, Microsoft

“As cloud storage options continue to evolve, organizations are finding more options for cutting the cost of keeping data”

Bill Kleyman at DataCenter Knowledge has broken down the key differences when it comes to AWS, Google and Microsoft and seeing how they stack up against each other. In this blog post we will go over some high level take aways from their article as well as dive deeper into how ScanSearch can help your business when it comes to cloud storage solutions.

“As the volume of data companies generate and need to keep balloons, the top cloud providers have come up with a type of cloud service that may replace at least some portion of the market for traditional backup products and services. Cold storage delivered as a cloud service is changing the way organizations store and deliver vast amounts of information. The big question is whether cold storage can provide for better backup economics.

Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and since April also Microsoft Azure now offer cloud cold storage services. Each has a different approach, so how do they stack up against each other?

Addressing the Data Deluge

Virtually all analysts are predicting that the cloud services market will continue growing and growing quickly. Gartner said recently that cloud will constitute the bulk of new IT spend this year. This will be a defining year for the space, as private cloud begins to give way to hybrid cloud, and nearly half of large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of 2017.

So how much data are we creating. Cisco estimates that global data center traffic is firmly in the zettabyte era and will go from 3.4ZB in 2014 to 10.4ZB in 2019. A rapidly growing segment of data center traffic is cloud traffic, which in 2019 will account for 8.6ZB of that projected 10.4ZB.

With Google and Amazon already in the cold storage market, Microsoft decided to join the game as well. In April, Microsoft announced the general availability of Cool Blob Storage – low cost storage for cool object data.”

Want to read more and see what this data deluge could be used for? Head over to to read more.

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Enterprise Document Management Systems

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is implementing a new Enterprise Document/Content Management (ECM) system. The new system will provide a standard, Department-wide approach to document management.

With the new systems put in place, has put together an effective overview/case study on past successes when it comes to ECM’s reducing requests and enhancing work days state wide. This new system allows for central storage and retrieval of documents and information. This system will connect with the DNREC website so these documents are publicly available anytime and anywhere. This is the future of Enterprise Document and Content Management!

Click this link to read’s entire report and see case studies of these systems implemented on past projects. Let us know what you think!

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